Schools and Health Care
If you are going to be here a while, let's look at schools and doctors
Schools and Health
Are you looking at schools nearby? Are you looking to stay at Utica Shale RV Park long-term? Maybe you work in the area for a long period of time and need a place for your kids to go to school. We can help find schools nearby.
Local Schools Nearby
Union Local schools are the nearest to us at the Utica Shale RV Park. There are other options to suit your needs including St. Clairsville schools, East Richland Christian School, and St. Mary's Central School. Looking for something just for younger children? You can find that with Pied Piper Nursery School, A2Z Preschool and Daycare, and Creative Learning Daycare. Looking to add some skills while in the area? You can pick up some classes at nearby Belmont College or the Ohio State University Extension in St. Clairsville.
Nearby Healthcare
Need a doctor in the area or just want to know where to go in an emergency? We have plenty of healthcare services around the Ohio Valley.
Emergency Services
There are several hospitals in the area if you're in an emergency situation including the Ohio Valley Medical Center and the WVU Medicine Barnesville Hospital. If you find yourself in a true emergency situation, remember that calling 911 can get these services to you as quickly as possible.
Specialized Medicine
Need a local doctor? For those with an extended stay, maybe for those work for the oil and gas companies, there are plenty of doctors in the area. You should check with your health insurance company to find a local doctor that will work best for you.
Have a prescription that needs to be filled? Morristown Pharmacy is right down the road or you can take it to a variety of places while doing your shopping. These places include Walmart, CVS, Kroger, and Sam's Club.